Quit Carbon Dashboard Design
Design a homepage for a product “quitCarbon” that helps smokers quit.
which should consist of given below features
- Progress Tracker w.r.t Nicotine Consumption this week vs last week
- The next goal of the user and how far are they in terms of collecting the reward.
- The user never knows about the type of reward they will receive. Sometimes app surprises the user by sending gifts related to App Purifier plants, Health Monitor tracking devices, etc through the rewards.
- The current Impact of the smoking streaks w.r.t Money, Health, Time and Environment.
Secondary and Primary Research
Competitive analysis
Identifying Problems
Wireframes & Designs
Prototype and Design
Why did I do Research?
Although the design brief itself had very clear requirements mentioned but to imagine a experience that would help real smokers to get rid of their habit It was necessary for me to gain basic knowledge on who I am going to design for, what are their behaviour towards smoking and what all they have tried to quit or reduce this habit.
What all insights I got?
For telephonic interview first I developed a small questionnaire that i felt was required to understand my target users better. I interviewed 3–4 people from separate age groups 1st (20–30s) 2nd (above 45)
There were quite interesting and unique things that I got to learn while talking to them.
Following are few of the answers i received on behalf of their smoking habits In Regards with If at all they wish to Quit Smoking.
1.As a Smoker, do you ever want to Quit ? why ?
Age 24 Woman- Not at all since it is very relaxing
Age 32 Man- Hopefully someday ,Since i get worried about health issues.
Age 56 Man- Never Since it keeps my mind calm and more productive
Public places strict rule helps to reduce ,general awareness
2.Tried ways to Quit ? and consequences ?
Age 24 Woman- Yes for a week ,but it Got more frustrating
Age 32 Man — Tried Nicotex but i couldn’t eat it for more days i needed to smoke anyway .As well Covid times as it was not available easily.but later as i found a place i bought it for double rates
Age 56 Man- Yes Long back in my late 30s i tried eating a chocolate or mouth freshener instead but wasn’t able to control for long time ,As well recently in Covid times but it started to affect my routine biologically like natures call or sleeping Pattern
3.when do you feel like smoking more ? While working or being ideal?
Age 24 Woman- Generally after lunch or in middle if i eat anything out along with friends we end up smoking together as well after dinner everyday i smoke alone as it feels like me time .
**Age 32 Man-**Office hours while working its not possible to smoke due to desk job but after returning home or on the way the count goes 6–7 in evening time and sitting ideal makes the craving more stronger where the count goes upto 15–20 a day
Age 56 Man- Almost Equal count whether i am working or ideal ,but after eating food its a regular habit ,Only the count goes up while consuming alcohol.

Objective Behind this User based Interview was to understand the view of different age group
Most people who smoke, started smoking when they were teenagers. Those who have friends and/or parents who smoke are more likely to get caught in the habit than those who don’t. Some of them say that they “just wanted to try it,” or they thought it was “cool” to smoke.
Out of this feedback It was easier to Decide the User target for this app .who would be interested somewhat with the idea of Quitting and put in some efforts by making use of such products by making it as part of their daily life .
Prioritising information on Dashboard
Based on Contextual enquiry and other research it was easier further to set the priority on dashboard ,along with given requirement aspects
According to requirements of dashboard I was advised to set the priority on Nicotine Consumption followed by goals and Rewards along with Smoking streaks in regards with monetary and health benefits .
Considering all the requirements as have added them to the dashboard along with few new information based on the previous user interview and research.
Given above diagram depicts the priority setting stage for dashboard

Navigation Structure
Along with Dashboard i have given further direction to navigational flow in regards with all the sections.
Since defined structural flow is necessary as it is not possible to fit all at once on dashboard or else it will create clutter.


Additionally Added information on Dashboard is as followed
Growing tree Virtually which will be affected by the way user will set and follow all their daily goals
This will bring the Gamification aspect to the dashboard and help reach their goals sooner ,it certainly creates an awareness to keep environment green and reduce the carbon footprints too as per requirement . this will be reflected through the statistics presented each day at the end after the user verifies all the activities completed by them .
Challenges to be chosen as per user’s willingness based on their lifestyle and habits
For which information will be taken at beginning of every challenge so that it can be specific to their routine customised on base of their preferences.
Tips to be Consistent Section
This section is mainly designed for helping purpose in regards for diet to be followed or any specific food that might help reducing the urge to smoke , besides that it will provide tips on exercises that will help to build Stamina and other health benefits.
Final Design Screens